[ American Advertising Federation Montgomery ]
the unifying voice for advertising
The Montgomery chapter of the American Advertising Federation represents members all across the Alabama River Region and Columbus, Georgia, and offers the very best in Education, Training, and Networking the Advertising Industry has to offer.
Whether you run an ad agency or you run an ad somewhere, if you have anything to do with advertising, marketing, or communications, you need to join AAF!

The American Advertising Federation of Montgomery is a 501(c)(6) organization and is the local affiliate of the largest advertising trade organization in the country with 40,000 professional members in 200 clubs.
AAF Montgomery serves as an advocate to better the business community as a whole, creating an environment that is thriving and fair. We connect you to the entire advertising community and provide you with great opportunities for networking, education, public service, and both local and national discounts. Our goal is to educate our members on the latest trends in advertising, marketing, and public relations with a variety of annual programs.
We provide you with professional development Lunch & Learns, networking opportunities, educational workshops, a chance to give back with public service, the opportunity to compete in the American Advertising Awards, and more. Join today!